Why Modelling Is Important To Me And You - Speakers Den


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Friday, October 19, 2018

Why Modelling Is Important To Me And You

Why Modelling Is Important To Me And You

Good morning to you
Today, it is evident to say that in Nigeria, the modelling market has given less than expected. We have over a million business ideas but only few are properly promoted to the world and the few that are promoted are usually for the wrong reasons. With that being said, what is modelling? 
How did the modelling industry come about? 

The term "modelling" originated from its original context "model" which is an abstraction or a representation of ideas using objects, drawings etc. The need to use real life beings as models came about when it was discovered that an object could not move about and show the entire features of an idea. But with real life models, more could be explained and understood by showcasing the ideas on them. Examples are seen on runway shows, face modelling using paints and arts of all sorts, body painting and so many more. So with modelling, more jobs have been created, more business improved and introduced and more funds generated. 

Now just as businesses are promoted using models, modelling is in turn promoted but you find out that majority of our models today are not making as much profit as they invest into their career. "Ignorance they say is a virus" so therefore, models need to be aware that it is not enough to just take pictures, key into concepts etc. But they also need to be promoted. Do you think the likes of Kardashians topped the fashion industry by just taking pictures. No, you need to promote what you do to the world and what better way than the networking; the internet. Learn how to promote yourself as a model in these few steps: 
1)  Create a profile for yourself: It is not enough to take random pictures and post but take relevant, resourceful, relatable pictures. Build a stand for yourself that every agency would want to work with you. You can't expect people to jump at you if they don't see a gain in doing so. 
2) Know your worth: Don't be quick to jump at every opportunity you are presented with. The most successful people in life employed the art of thinking before making decisions. Don't be swayed by power, money and attraction. Lest, you'll be used and have yourself to blame if its for the wrong reasons. I hope by then, everything you were building wouldn't have spoilt. 
3) Promote yourself: Learn how to use the media to promote what you do. It is not only artistes that need to be placed on a platform for promotion. You also need the promotion. You never might know who is watching. 
4) Know when to stop: As a successful model, know when to stop pushing limits and watch. The strongest people work, watch then work again.
5) Be optimistic and open-minded: If you're a face model in the cream industry, don't close yourself up into doing just that. Learn to take up jobs from other lines, if not for the money or fame, but for the experience. Experience, they say is the best teacher.

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